Programs to Build Confidence, Achieve Peak Performance, and Experience Next Level Success

Personal Empowerment Coaching 
for Student-Athletes



"I was in my head a lot, focusing on my competition. I wasn't as good as I was last year and I wanted to be better. Mary Lynne gave me tools to help me get focused. As a result, my performance got better."

Soccer Player

"Thank you for all the help you have given me. I found in you someone I could open up and trust. With you, I felt that I was doing something for myself. It wasn't just talking or complaining. You have given me ways to help myself when I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Now, I know how to relax and focus to achieve my goals."

Empower and Transform 

This program is for. . .


  • Student-athletes who are not playing to their full potential

  • They get caught up in their head, creating self-doubt

  • They feel overwhelmed at times

  • They need support, someone outside of family and friends

  • You want to be at peace, knowing you've tried everything 

  •  As a parent, you know how important this is to their future 

  • Your student-athlete doesn't need counseling, just someone to give them tools, techniques, and support to take them to the next level. 

  • You're not sure where to turn

You are in the right place!


Linda, Parent

“My three teenage boys were very responsive to the themes of creating goals and steps necessary to achieve them. In our case, enabling our kids to start thinking about their futures (and present) allowed them to become more mature, and they began to advocate for themselves.”

Kamran, Parent

"My daughter got off track. She loves to dance, but friend drama and social media got in her way. It brought her down and created so much doubt that she almost didn't continue doing what I know she enjoys. Mary Lynne helped her improve her self-esteem and self-confidence. It's nice to see her happy again."

8-Week Empowerment Coaching Programs
for Student-Athletes to: 

  • Increase self-confidence
  • Learn strategies to cope with day-to-day responsibilities
  • Understand and implement techniques to increase their focus 
  • Learn to respond rather than react
  • Break through blocks, barriers, and belief patterns that are holding them back from peak performance
  • Learn specific methods to decrease stress, anxiety, and distractions
  • Take control of their happiness and success
  • Elevate their athletic potential
  • Create routines to uplevel success


you enjoyed a restful sleep through the night and woke up feeling grateful that you know your student-athlete has someone to talk to and process their day events with. You know they are being supported and learning ways to better themselves as an athlete, student, and person. You know they are learning valuable life tools and techniques that will last for years to come. You know this is exactly what they need.

This can happen!

The longer you wait, the more behind they will feel.

You risk their happiness and success.

If you wait until the time is right, you will lose time,
feel frustrated, and still feel unsure, knowing there has to be a way.

I am here to support you.
Let's do this Together!



"I was having a hard time and Mary Lynne gave me tools to help myself. Little by little, I was able to go from a dark place to loving myself again. I am now more confident and happy."

Alpine Skier

"I have to leave school early a lot for skiing so I get behind in my classes and my late work was piling up. Mary Lynne helped me organize my time and school work so I'm not so stressed about it."

Volleyball Player

"I liked how easy it was to talk to Mary Lynne She helped me deal with friend drama and speak up for myself with my teachers. She also helped me know ways to de-stress myself and love myself."



  • Bring your confidence and strengths back to the forefront.
  • Remove blocks, barriers, and limiting belief patterns using the Replay Method.
  • Activate athletic potential and create routines with a high return on investment.
  • 8-week program


  • Elevate athletic potential by identifying and prioritizing key elements of your personal performance.
  • Develop an action and accountability plan.
  • Lock in your True Performance Power using The Vision Master.
  • 8-week program


This is where the magic happens. 

  • Combine Confidence Builder + Performance Accelerator
  • High Touch communication and accountability
  • VIP days
  • 4-month program

Courage. Connection. Caring.

Hi, I'm Mary Lynne 

I’m a personal empowerment coach for high school and college student-athletes.

As a former classroom teacher and athletic coach for 18 years, I have seen how important confidence is to excelling in sports. Although the desire and will are there, their mental game blocks them from achieving success.

My journey as an athlete started at seven years old. I was a competitive swimmer until 12 years old, then moved into soccer, volleyball, and track in junior high and high school. I was a starter and top athlete and dreamed of playing soccer in college, but that dream never happened. Looking back, I realized I needed more confidence to achieve my dream, which never happened.

I have turned my self-doubt into self-confidence and personal achievement, and I do the same for my clients. 

For over 12 years, I have been an empowerment coach for teenagers and young adults. I’m also an author and speaker.

My approach is to help student-athletes build confidence and accelerate their performance with mindfulness practices, routines, and accountability to take them to the next level.

Through mentoring, coaching, and teaching, student-athletes ignite their confidence again, elevate their athletic potential, and break through the blocks, barriers, and belief systems that prevent them from achieving peak performance.

When student-athletes fully embrace their true power, they walk the walk and talk the talk. They fully own who they are. They stand tall. They are proud. They don’t need anyone outside themselves to tell them how good they are because they already know it. They are leaders. 

I am here to help your student-athlete be the leader they know they are.

As an adult, I have been a competitive runner, triathlete, and soccer player. However, today I focus on supporting students in their competitive journeys while I enjoy swimming, mountain biking, scuba diving, and teaching Qigong for fun.

“It was easy to talk to Mary Lynne.

She helped me to discover what my true happiness is.”

- Kata, 15

"I liked the tools to calm your mind because I need to calm my mind."

- Olivia, 17

“Mary Lynne helped me see myself for who I really am. 

She helped me improve my self-esteem. Thank you!”

- Maggie, 16

Your Questions Answered:

Kate, Parent

"Mary Lynne helped my daughter positively handle the day-to-day drama of being a teenager, which helped take the load off of me and ultimately brought us closer."

Sharon, Parent

"My 18-year-old daughter benefited from having a neutral party to converse with on personal issues, as well as being subjected to new questions for her to consider and contemplate. As a result, she has more focus, motivation, and drive."



  • Bring your confidence and strengths back to the forefront.
  • Remove blocks, barriers, and limiting belief patterns using the Replay Method.
  • Activate athletic potential and create routines with a high return on investment.
  • 8-week program


  • Elevate athletic potential by identifying and prioritizing key elements of your personal performance.
  • Develop an action and accountability plan.
  • Lock in your True Performance Power using The Vision Master.
  • 8-week program


This is where the magic happens. 

  • Combine Confidence Builder + Performance Accelerator
  • High Touch communication and accountability
  • VIP days
  • 4-month program

This is the Time.